A collaboration of
early childhood interests

Supporting children, families, and thriving communities in Montana.

Our Vision

Our vision is to promote high quality, professional family childcare and early education systems to support children, families, and thriving communities.

The Montana Family Childcare Network is a collaboration of early childhood interests, who represent Montana’s Family Childcare Educators and advocates with united voices on behalf of all children, families, and family childcare educators, to promote and encourage quality professional family childcare and early education through professional education, mentoring, and advocacy.
Our united voices will be heard, as we combine our interests, needs, and unique talents, passions and experiences into a cohesive force for good for children, families and the Family Childcare Early Education field.

Our mission

Our goal is to create a strong and united Montana Family Childcare Network with a diverse membership composed of Family, Friend, & Neighbor, Family & Group Registered educators.

MFCN will focus on advocating efforts towards issues that affect children/families or Family Childcare educators such as: the wage disparity, affordable high quality care for all families, access for FCC to have affordable benefits such as health insurance (etc).

According to the Montana Department of Human Health and Services there are 522 registered family childcares as of May 1st, 2022.

According to the Montana Early Childhood Project, as of April 2022 there are currently a total of 1,139 educators that are employed in family or group registered programs (FFN data unavailable).

These numbers indicate there is a distinct need for a professional network to unite and represent family childcare educators at local, state and national levels.
Our Co-Founders

I am the owner of Munchkin Land, a STAR 5, NAFCC accredited group facility in Billings and the co-founder of MFCN. As I wear many hats in the Early Childhood Profession, my journey of co-founding MFCN started with becoming the NAFCC state representative, serving on the NAFCC Accreditation Council and becoming an Accreditation Quality Ambassador. Over the past few years I have been advocating at the state and federal levels. While advocating at the state level, I noticed there were not many providers advocating for themselves. This is worrisome, we are the voice for ourselves and the families and children we care for. Family Childcare needed representation at the table where childcare was being talked about, providers needed to know about advocacy and how to advocate for changes that benefit themselves and the community they serve. NAFCC had an opportunity called Leaders Shaping Leaders, where we worked to create a Family/Group and FFN Association to increase awareness and advocacy for Early Care and Education. 

I am mom to 4 amazing boys between the ages of 2-14, an early care and educator for 13 years, owner of Wild Wonders Early Learning Program a STAR 4 group home registered facility, and co-founder of MFCN. My dream for this organization is to build a robust membership based governance non-profit that provides meaningful services to its members from a robust mentorship program to heatlh services and other tangible benefits, meanwhile with a focus on advocating for a better future for the early care and education sector from educators to children and families.

needs & outcomes

Our Needs

Expected Outcomes

Conference 2022

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